The new latest pictures have been upload here with a big information for your people that how does a country become in top list of the world.Prehistoric cultures began developing on Bulgarian lands during the Neolithic period. Its ancient history was marked by the presence of the Thracians, and later by the Greeks and Romans. The emergence of a unified Bulgarian ethnicity and state dates back to the First Bulgarian Empire, which dominated most of the Balkans and functioned as a cultural hub for Slavic peoples during the Middle age.its territories came under Ottoman rule for nearly five hundred years. The Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878 resulted in the Third Bulgarian State, in 1908. The following years were marked by several conflicts with its neighbours, which prompted Bulgaria to ally with Germany in both World Wars. In 1946 it became a communist republic with a single-party system until 1989, when the Communist Party allowed multi-party elections. After 1990 Bulgaria transitioned to democracy and a market-based economy.Every country need economy for strength.

Bulgaria Sofia

Bulgaria Sofia

Bulgaria Sofia

Bulgaria Sofia

Bulgaria Sofia

Bulgaria Sofia

Bulgaria Sofia
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